Be The Best!
Get Accredited with taa!
Accreditation recognises and showcases that your training courses and your academy adhere to a strict high quality standard. Once you're accredited with us you can use our logo on your certificates for students and on your marketing materials to show Insurance companies and prospective students that your business has the highest Industry Standards!
The Latest From
Create the perfect course...
How to write your
own course
We've written a fantastic training eBook which gives you every bit of necessary information you're going to need when creating your own training materials. It offers many examples of what's essential to include and how to organise your material for the various courses you'll be offering, along with template guides and Certificate design ideas too!
What Our Clients Say
I would not hesitate to recommend The Accreditation Association. I’ve been working with them for many months now. I've managed to get all my courses accredited with TAA. Thanks for everything! It’s always great working with you.
C. Johnson
Wow, TAA have totally changed my business! The team are simply brilliant with their communication, timely responses & responding to my endless queries. The Accreditation Association tweaked my training material to perfection.
Anne P